Self Paced

Online Learning

From choosing the right route to profit from your idea, protecting, developing and presenting your concept, pricing your idea and expected return on investment - this course has all the practical tools and examples to help you become confident in taking the right steps to generate profit from your new ideas.

"Most entrepreneurs and founders are full of vision and drive but lacking knowledge and experience."

Yes, you are not alone in that.

But it also doesn't need to be that way.

Grow your confidence and your understanding

As you gain knowledge of what to do, which choices to make and become aware of avoidable mistakes, your assurance will grow exponentially.

Be inspired, encouraged

and elevated

The course material is brought to life by examining several case studies across multiple industries.

Build your knowledge and your launch plan

Practical exercises (including planning templates) to work through, creating a roadmap to turn your idea into profit.

Instructor | Phil Staunton

20 years experience in product development working with companies like Bosch, Manfrotto, Survitec and Heineken to bring new product ideas to market. My work with these businesses, as well as hundreds of start-ups, on early stage feasibility right through to managing batch production, has helped me refine a unique, effective pencil to profit product development process.

Why I created this course

Having worked with entrepreneurs and small businesses for nearly 15 years, I started my own product development journey and realised how much more there was to learn.

It took me a LONG time, and I made a lot of mistakes along the way. I spoke to countless industry experts and other people on the same journey. I read every book and watched every YouTube video I could get my hands on.

I even hired six different professional salespeople to help craft my approach to retailers. And while I’ve learned an incredible amount, I’ve also come to understand something: it doesn’t have to be that complicated.

Out of everything I’ve learned, only a few things — less than 10% — really matter.

The problem is that nobody offers to teach you those few key things, and only those few key things. To really master making money out of your new ideas, you either have to spend a ton of time or a ton of money (or both) learning more than you need to, or doing it and failing a few times before you start to get it right.

Until now.

Over the past few months, I’ve been working on distilling those key lessons into a course that’s designed to teach you to create the right plan to profit from your idea…

  • No matter your current skill level
  • No matter what your product idea
  • No matter what you want to achieve

And today, I want to share that course with you.

Vicki Strachan

"Phil is incredibly knowledgeable about the whole process of taking a product from concept to market, and I have been impressed over and over again as I've watched clients go through that process with him and come out the other end with a commercially viable and successful product."

Pankaj Kale

"Genius Alert!!! Phil is one of the best start-up consultants you find out there. In contrast to all other start-up consultants you will encounter, Phil has first-hand experience of what it means to raise start-up funding, build the team and navigate the highs and lows of the start-ups."

Barry Freeder

"Phil has a tremendous amount of experience in bringing physical product ideas to market as well as establishing his own brand. He’s a fountain of knowledge! I worked with Phil which resulted in the successful launch of my first two ideas that have become world-wide best-sellers."

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We know you'll get value out of our courses. But maybe you thought a digital course was right for you, and then you discover it's not. Well, that's life and that's ok.

So, no problem! We grant a 30-Day Money-Back Guarantee on any course you buy - no hassles, no questions asked!


Q: How much time a week do I need to complete the course?

A: You will need around 8 hours to watch all videos and do all exercises. We suggest you pace yourself and do this course across 4 weeks – completing 2 lessons a week.

Q: Is this course for large organisations like HUGE INC or it can be applied to a start-up?

A: Absolutely! The course is aimed at anyone from someone with a great new product idea but no clue as to what to do next right up to a business founder with significant experience but gaps in their new product development and launch knowledge.

Q: Is it completely self-paced?

A: 100% self-paced, you are a busy person so you are always in control of when you start and when you finish.

Q: Is there any interaction with other participants?

A: You can see other learners questions and the answers that were given but other than that there's no real interaction.

Q: Do you receive feedback on exercises?

A: Feedback is not provided in a formal way, but you can upgrade to include a consultation session if you wish. The course is designed in a way for you to implement findings straight away and we would encourage you to apply everything to real-work scenarios so that you can get immediate feedback from you mentors, business coach, partners etc.

Q: Can I buy it now and do it later?

A: Yes, you will have lifetime access to complete this course.

Have more questions?

Email me: [email protected]